So nice! Free from school today. Get up early and taking a coffee with my last piece of Sockerkaka (I made a new one, with peanut and Carmel flavour. perfect!)
Name of the blogg; Mirukutokohi means Milk and coffee(no space between the words in the Japanese languish).
Tho, starting to think if I maybe could name it Mizutokohi (water)
The coffee is always mixed with water. Milk is a really uncommon thing for me to buy. This far, I bought it once.
But no.. I like the name ;D
I where so sure about that the teachers don't care about me.
"You have to go down some classes"
Wha!? Your kidding?! Why?! I understand what we are doing!! I will be here for 1 year more! I will fall asleep if I go down! I don't want that!
Hurt so bad.
"the teachers know your dream and just want to help you. Your dream need your to be able to know everything 100%. If you just where 1 years student the teachers hadn’t care about if you stayed in the normal class or not. They want to help you become a mangaka"
Just wanted to hide under the hat. Wha..? Are they serious.?
Wanted to go down on my knees and bow apologizing. It made sense..
So, I have now a test period. If I'm not getting better, will I go down to lower class. Hurts, but I trust my teachers, if they say go to lower.. I will.
That teachers actually understand my dream and passion felt so weird. In Sweden no one took me serious. There is a comment I got once I never can forget;
"Stop dream so big up in the clouds, it will just hurt you more when you falling back to the reality"
"You have to go down some classes"
Wha!? Your kidding?! Why?! I understand what we are doing!! I will be here for 1 year more! I will fall asleep if I go down! I don't want that!
Hurt so bad.
"the teachers know your dream and just want to help you. Your dream need your to be able to know everything 100%. If you just where 1 years student the teachers hadn’t care about if you stayed in the normal class or not. They want to help you become a mangaka"
Just wanted to hide under the hat. Wha..? Are they serious.?
Wanted to go down on my knees and bow apologizing. It made sense..
So, I have now a test period. If I'm not getting better, will I go down to lower class. Hurts, but I trust my teachers, if they say go to lower.. I will.
That teachers actually understand my dream and passion felt so weird. In Sweden no one took me serious. There is a comment I got once I never can forget;
"Stop dream so big up in the clouds, it will just hurt you more when you falling back to the reality"
"The bunny man"
So,after school in Takadanobaba you can often see a really special bunny. We started to call him "the bunny man" (yeas in english, swedish love to say stuff on the english way). Of some strange reason is he alweys in a bunny suit.
When I Nathalie and Mattias spended our night in Takanobaba we just random walked around. Suddenly we see "bunny man" in a bar and wasing the dishes.
Really fun suprise. The bar where nice and traditionel, very local. Just one question..
"why a bunny?"
When I Nathalie and Mattias spended our night in Takanobaba we just random walked around. Suddenly we see "bunny man" in a bar and wasing the dishes.
Really fun suprise. The bar where nice and traditionel, very local. Just one question..
"why a bunny?"

Disney Sea

"On Friday, where going to Disney Sea"
... what? Disney what? Did you mean Disneyland? Dinsey.. Sel? sal.. ? 何..?
Where many questions in the head when I heard it at the lesson. Never before heard about Disney Sea. Showed to be a Theme park at the same place as Disneyland. I wished a bit to go to Disneyland instead, but whatever.
Unbelievable hot day. Luckily the wind where hard that it cooled everyone down a bit. I burned my self a bit, even when I tried so hard to not get burned.
Suddenly in the park I felt like 5 years old. They played Disney songs everywhere that I got so many flashbacks on those days you for the first time see a Disney movie. Couldn’t help it, when they played "Bella notte" from Landy and the Tramp we couldn’t stop us from singing(the Swedish version).
our first ride where Storm rider. The where so small kids in the line that I started to wonder what we stand in line for. We got in to a room and got fact about what’s going to happen, we where going to be in a plane that ends up in one of the worst storms in the world. If there are something Japanese is good at is it too decorated and tell stories that you get "tricks" in to the imagination. Not really impressed yet just because I where still thinking about the small kids there. got in to a new room with chairs to sit on and a big screen. It really look like a future ship.
Disappear fast in my own imagination and forget everything else around me. I where so fun and so well done, I just laid back and enjoyed. I really got curios about to fly in real life, it felt so good just in the attractions, I bet it feels even better in real. The storm comes and stuff from the roof falling down, not impressed, to classic. Suddenly it starts raining, and of course, because "our ship" is broken it rains on us. I didn’t expect that.
When I sat down I noticed that there I laid my hand where whet. Don't tell me someone had so much sweat it stayed there I touched! Got relived when I realised in the end it where just water..
Like the attractions where, I want my games and movies to be ;D
Many attractions where really slow. I personally where ready for something fast, but 90% of all attractions where more story telling. I don't complain, it where really lovely done. The effects where awesome. One of the attractions suddenly throw a fire at you. Got so surprised by the 3D effect, but it would trick more if the blow where a bit warm, not ice cold.
I got so happy to see so many 3D effects. I'm not talking about the 3D you have to be in the right place or you see it flat. This where 360.
One of the attractions we wanted to ride had often a technical problem, but we got to ride it later at the day. Felt disappointed, "no, not one more of this story telling attractions ". Disappeared fast in the imagination because of the place where decorated with crystals. "so lovely, but.. why can't it happen something soon..?"
It got all dark and we got so much speed. Still no reaction from me, the other attractions had done the same, but slowed down fast to show something "special" in the decoration.
We suddenly gets outside and sees that it would go really fast down. "What the--?!"
With a big grin and the heart hitting fast by surprise a went of the attractions. It never slowed down, it where like a real rollercoaster. Made me so happy.
The best attractions of the day where "Tower of terror". A hunted house, but not like those hunted house you think about in theme parks. Tower of terror tells a story about a man who stole land treasures, from Indian mask to Egypt’s mummies. The last thing he stole is a doll from Africa with a course, well the course is not really something he cares about.
We went into a lovely decorated room whit the doll in front of us. The attractions is like a "free fall" so got a little bit unsure if the room where the attractions. They where really carefully to close the doors. The story got told and some effects shows. Suddenly the dolls eyes lighten up. "ow come on.. so bad done.. a doll with lights in the eyes and moth.. wait.. it.. grins.. more and more?"
Couldn’t stop stare at the doll. "How? I just repeated for my self while the doll sad some words. It suddenly disappears in the air. First I where just thinking about how cool done it where and then it hits me, its impossible to make a doll disappear like that. Realise fast.
Like I told, I really feel like 5 years old. There where so many things that surprised me and so well done, every little small detail where carefully done. Tokyo Disney Sea really gave the "magic" Disney Always talking about.
The finale at the evening, lovely and impossible to write about without showing pictures. I tried to tape everything, but I forgot to load my phone the day before that in the most exiting time, my cell phone dies. Got a little bit sad. Well, just enjoyed the show big time. I'm going to show the clip I got later.
I video taped so much I forgot to take photos. I just have 3 from that day.
Non stop
Wow .. so tired.. been doing to much stuff this days.
It started with Disney sea at Friday. At the evening did we Swedish want to celebrate our tradition "midsummer" with good food and drinks. With a weak headache did I go to Harajuku the day after. Shopping day with Nathalie, Matias and Elvira. Tho, I didn’t buy anything, I wanted so much that I had to make up a plan about stuff I allowed me to buy. While Elvira went home did I ,Mattias and Nathalie go for a "out the whole night". Japanese trains stops around 12 and starts 6 at the morning, why? it's a really good question. I where so tired at 3. We suddenly find the "bunny man" ( will soon write about the "Bunny man") and when the sun went up, I suddenly got full of energy.
We decided to go and buy a top hat I wanted, but we gave up when the store haven’t open up at 10. Nathalie and Mattias where so tired and my feet where killing me. Home, fast shower, bed...
1 hoer later. Cant sleep, no problem to sit up. I so want to buy the stuff I wanted. Making me ready and went back to Harajuku. Took some hours and went happy home. Never feelt that happy just because of stuff, but I really wanted a top hat for so long! Cleaned the room and about 1 o’clock at the night I had to study for the next days test.
I really started to feel tired by then..
So after school at the Monday and today have been power napping. Will take some time until I get back the normal energy, i think.
It started with Disney sea at Friday. At the evening did we Swedish want to celebrate our tradition "midsummer" with good food and drinks. With a weak headache did I go to Harajuku the day after. Shopping day with Nathalie, Matias and Elvira. Tho, I didn’t buy anything, I wanted so much that I had to make up a plan about stuff I allowed me to buy. While Elvira went home did I ,Mattias and Nathalie go for a "out the whole night". Japanese trains stops around 12 and starts 6 at the morning, why? it's a really good question. I where so tired at 3. We suddenly find the "bunny man" ( will soon write about the "Bunny man") and when the sun went up, I suddenly got full of energy.
We decided to go and buy a top hat I wanted, but we gave up when the store haven’t open up at 10. Nathalie and Mattias where so tired and my feet where killing me. Home, fast shower, bed...
1 hoer later. Cant sleep, no problem to sit up. I so want to buy the stuff I wanted. Making me ready and went back to Harajuku. Took some hours and went happy home. Never feelt that happy just because of stuff, but I really wanted a top hat for so long! Cleaned the room and about 1 o’clock at the night I had to study for the next days test.
I really started to feel tired by then..
So after school at the Monday and today have been power napping. Will take some time until I get back the normal energy, i think.
New cut hair
Yeas! At last! I have cut my hair! :D
I don't really get why I waited so long to get it cut. It was so worth 3600yen.
First got to talk with the one who's going to cut my hair but bemuse of the my bad Japanese we mostly exchanged small words and looked at pictures. When I got her to understand how I wanted the hair where I taken to shower it. A really good massage for both head and neck, cutting, a bit styling and then done.
I didn’t really get the system they had. If you paid more, you cud get a better hairdresser? I paid 600yen for one step better.
I thinks’ hard to get the hairdresser to cut the hair as I wand, and it just got harder when we don't speak the same languish. I got a bit shorter then I wanted, but I guess it's going to be nice when the weather is so hot.
Got a short walk in Harajuku with Natalie that joined me for a haircut. I bought some shoes just in time before Disney Sea tomorrow. My other shoes is broken.
I won't put up at picture on the new cut hair, it's so hot outside, so when I got home I just run for a shower.
I don't really get why I waited so long to get it cut. It was so worth 3600yen.
First got to talk with the one who's going to cut my hair but bemuse of the my bad Japanese we mostly exchanged small words and looked at pictures. When I got her to understand how I wanted the hair where I taken to shower it. A really good massage for both head and neck, cutting, a bit styling and then done.
I didn’t really get the system they had. If you paid more, you cud get a better hairdresser? I paid 600yen for one step better.
I thinks’ hard to get the hairdresser to cut the hair as I wand, and it just got harder when we don't speak the same languish. I got a bit shorter then I wanted, but I guess it's going to be nice when the weather is so hot.
Got a short walk in Harajuku with Natalie that joined me for a haircut. I bought some shoes just in time before Disney Sea tomorrow. My other shoes is broken.
I won't put up at picture on the new cut hair, it's so hot outside, so when I got home I just run for a shower.
Life on the floor..
I really need to get a table and a chair. I can't work at the floor. It works for a while, but sooner or later some parts of the body starts to hurts (often the legs). Always ending with; I'm trying to find a good way to sit on every minute, hard to get any project done. Darn Swedish body..
I don't get how Japanese people can sit on their legs for so long time. I.. kinda make 2 minuts.
I would like to try draw city pictures, but, at this time I can just do character designs. Need a ruler. Nagging me that I have so many home in Sweden and no one in Japan
Taking some time
Going to take some while to write becuse I'm trying to maka a japanese version of the blog. I'm not s good at japanese but that's the reason to why I'm doing it. It will be a good study wey for me.
Dislike sundays
Wha, already Sunday?
I think i need to keep the facemask on for a while. I like them more at the winter when it's cold, under summer time it gets to hot with. So nice, sleep so good this night, haven't got a normal sleep on 2 weeks.
Even if they showed cartoons all they day long on the TV do I feel bored. I want to go out and do stuff with friends.
The trip to Gifu is now cancelled, it will be essayer to stay in Tokyo and study. A little bit sad but at the same time lucky, I cant see the life of the country side but I can be with all my friends I have in Tokyo. Ma by sometime I can go to Gifu for a vacation.
So, now I’m going to read some comics and try to study the rest of the day.
I think i need to keep the facemask on for a while. I like them more at the winter when it's cold, under summer time it gets to hot with. So nice, sleep so good this night, haven't got a normal sleep on 2 weeks.
Even if they showed cartoons all they day long on the TV do I feel bored. I want to go out and do stuff with friends.
The trip to Gifu is now cancelled, it will be essayer to stay in Tokyo and study. A little bit sad but at the same time lucky, I cant see the life of the country side but I can be with all my friends I have in Tokyo. Ma by sometime I can go to Gifu for a vacation.
So, now I’m going to read some comics and try to study the rest of the day.
Mini comics
They are so old that I don't dare to have it outside the plastic pocket. It feels like a part of the Japanese "history" in my hands, fells warm inside when I hold them, got so happy.
"sockerkaka" in the ricecooker!
When It’s my 21 birthday I'm so gonna make my own a cake.
Room cleaned!
My room is clean! woh!
So, this is how I live, everything I do, is on the floor. My futon is outside while I cleaned the floor. I spend so much time on the bed so it has to get outside sometimes, airing of the bed, at least 1 time in a week.
Not much in my room to see. I want to move to an apartment so I guess that's why I haven't filled the room with stuff.
This is a common way to live because many just need a room to sleep in. Depending on how much you are willing to pay, the better room your get. You share kitchen and bathroom with the others in the guesthouse. The guesthouse is often over 100 persons in one, but there are some small ones to, like mine, we are 12.
I live in centre of Shinjuku witch making the bill a bit higher then others guesthouse outside the cities. Tho, I don't pay anything for the trip to school, I walk. I been living in a guest house since I come to Japan, and it's starting to nag me a bit. I want my totally own place to live in there I make the most of the rules, so searching around for something with an worthy price.
Apartments in Japan are often just 1 room and toilet. There are some apartments with the kitchen and bedroom separated, I want one of those. Of some reason it feels horrible for me to have the kitchen and bedroom in the same room.
Whaa, my old blog got to confusing. So, while I made a new I got the idea to put up an English version to.
Lying on my futon and hoping that my pain in the froth would disappear. Soon been hurting in 2 weeks, can't speak so good. Really want to join my classmates when they do stuff, but .. I need to stay home and rest. It's not a good idea to join in stuff like Karaoke.
Karaoke is really popular. Where ever you go you will find a karaoke place. There are so many different styles in the karaoke places, everything from snobby modern places to small local places in traditional style. Most common is to buy a little room for some hoers.
The clip I put in the blog is a good example on how it often is. Tho, I have never seen a scene in the kareoke room. The places I been in where so small that it just got room to sit around a table with a big TV screen in front.
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