"On Friday, where going to Disney Sea"
... what? Disney what? Did you mean Disneyland? Dinsey.. Sel? sal.. ? 何..?
Where many questions in the head when I heard it at the lesson. Never before heard about Disney Sea. Showed to be a Theme park at the same place as Disneyland. I wished a bit to go to Disneyland instead, but whatever.
Unbelievable hot day. Luckily the wind where hard that it cooled everyone down a bit. I burned my self a bit, even when I tried so hard to not get burned.
Suddenly in the park I felt like 5 years old. They played Disney songs everywhere that I got so many flashbacks on those days you for the first time see a Disney movie. Couldn’t help it, when they played "Bella notte" from Landy and the Tramp we couldn’t stop us from singing(the Swedish version).
our first ride where Storm rider. The where so small kids in the line that I started to wonder what we stand in line for. We got in to a room and got fact about what’s going to happen, we where going to be in a plane that ends up in one of the worst storms in the world. If there are something Japanese is good at is it too decorated and tell stories that you get "tricks" in to the imagination. Not really impressed yet just because I where still thinking about the small kids there. got in to a new room with chairs to sit on and a big screen. It really look like a future ship.
Disappear fast in my own imagination and forget everything else around me. I where so fun and so well done, I just laid back and enjoyed. I really got curios about to fly in real life, it felt so good just in the attractions, I bet it feels even better in real. The storm comes and stuff from the roof falling down, not impressed, to classic. Suddenly it starts raining, and of course, because "our ship" is broken it rains on us. I didn’t expect that.
When I sat down I noticed that there I laid my hand where whet. Don't tell me someone had so much sweat it stayed there I touched! Got relived when I realised in the end it where just water..
Like the attractions where, I want my games and movies to be ;D
Many attractions where really slow. I personally where ready for something fast, but 90% of all attractions where more story telling. I don't complain, it where really lovely done. The effects where awesome. One of the attractions suddenly throw a fire at you. Got so surprised by the 3D effect, but it would trick more if the blow where a bit warm, not ice cold.
I got so happy to see so many 3D effects. I'm not talking about the 3D you have to be in the right place or you see it flat. This where 360.
One of the attractions we wanted to ride had often a technical problem, but we got to ride it later at the day. Felt disappointed, "no, not one more of this story telling attractions ". Disappeared fast in the imagination because of the place where decorated with crystals. "so lovely, but.. why can't it happen something soon..?"
It got all dark and we got so much speed. Still no reaction from me, the other attractions had done the same, but slowed down fast to show something "special" in the decoration.
We suddenly gets outside and sees that it would go really fast down. "What the--?!"
With a big grin and the heart hitting fast by surprise a went of the attractions. It never slowed down, it where like a real rollercoaster. Made me so happy.
The best attractions of the day where "Tower of terror". A hunted house, but not like those hunted house you think about in theme parks. Tower of terror tells a story about a man who stole land treasures, from Indian mask to Egypt’s mummies. The last thing he stole is a doll from Africa with a course, well the course is not really something he cares about.
We went into a lovely decorated room whit the doll in front of us. The attractions is like a "free fall" so got a little bit unsure if the room where the attractions. They where really carefully to close the doors. The story got told and some effects shows. Suddenly the dolls eyes lighten up. "ow come on.. so bad done.. a doll with lights in the eyes and moth.. wait.. it.. grins.. more and more?"
Couldn’t stop stare at the doll. "How? I just repeated for my self while the doll sad some words. It suddenly disappears in the air. First I where just thinking about how cool done it where and then it hits me, its impossible to make a doll disappear like that. Realise fast.
Like I told, I really feel like 5 years old. There where so many things that surprised me and so well done, every little small detail where carefully done. Tokyo Disney Sea really gave the "magic" Disney Always talking about.
The finale at the evening, lovely and impossible to write about without showing pictures. I tried to tape everything, but I forgot to load my phone the day before that in the most exiting time, my cell phone dies. Got a little bit sad. Well, just enjoyed the show big time. I'm going to show the clip I got later.
I video taped so much I forgot to take photos. I just have 3 from that day.
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