Once more, there are so many stuff I want to tell but can't. Uhn..
So ok.. what's else to tell..
Well, Today I got hit by the snow surprise once more. I can't see out so I don't really know what's waiting me outsider.
I want to give an extra congrats for 3 of my friends.
One got pregnant, one got married and my japanese mom is at last going to live her dream in Sweden.
My life going on as usual. Just got my self some warm sake and longing for a nomihodai (drink how much you want. Soon many from the school will leave japan. I hope there will be some new to after the break, but at the same time I don't care. You get to know new friends, but if they not are japanese, there will be a day you can't see that person again. Is the last day really "see you later"? It's something I always told my self..
Lately I have been seeing lots of japanese boys. Everyone always tells me "you need a japanese boyfriend who cud help you with the japanese". I really haven't find any interest of dating, but ok.. give it a try.
Tho, still even after seen some, there is nothing more I feel then "oh a new friend". I guess that comes when it comes..

I have no inspiration to make food. I try so many diffrent things to eat and make, but lately, it havent ended so good, so my I buy some al ready done suff.
Sometimes I even end up at restaurants.
Went to a lantern(?) festival in nagana. Quite instresting.
One day, waking up to a lovely warming spring sun. Telling "there will just get warmer now"

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